January General Meeting
Arts & Culture
Scottish Culture and Bagpipes
Chair: Roberta Carraway
January 11, 2022
Congratulations ladies for making the January Arts and Crafts Club Competition a great success!
Our entries were fewer in number this year for multiple reasons which we all have experienced and understand. The creations that were entered were Fantastic! We will be well represented at the District 13 judging with our first-place winners.
Our club is so fortunate to have such talented ladies among us. I am always impressed with the creative ideas expressed in paint, paper, clay, wool, beads and all the other mediums you come up with. Enjoyed getting to share a little bit about my Scottish heritage and some of the items my family have created over the years.
A big Thank You to all the helping hands coming together making our craft day event such a success. I couldn’t have done it without the support of Cece and Michelle. Any issue or question I had they were there with a solution.
Our guest speaker Nigel MacDonald was entertaining and informative in his talk about Scotland and its music. I loved his kilt! Nigel’s bagpipe playing was great and fun to listen too. The kids on the playground got a kick out of it also! The expression on their little faces was priceless when he started to play.
Honey Baked Ham did a great job with our box lunch. They are always so easy to work with and always provide everything we need including ice!
Now on to the importance part of the day!
And the Winners are…
First Place
• Michelle Moskowitz Multi media Fish Card
Birthday Fishes Card
Burnt Alcohol Tiles
• Helen Ackerman Decoupage Flowerpot
Decorative Rock Seascape
Recycled Antique Key
Ceramic Hand Painted Magnet
• Sandra Brandt Mandala Ceramic Plate
• Cece Ramirez. Pearl Bead Bracelet
Beads/Fabric/Clay Dish PinCushion
• Gloria Merritt. Framed Machine Embroidered Elephant
• Roberta Carraway Light Bulb Snowman
Cece Ramirez
Michelle Moskowitz
• Sandra Brandt Hand painted Ceramic Serving Tray
• Michelle Moskowitz Demential Flower Gift Card
• Michelle Moskowitz Sea Shell Embossed Gift Card
All FIRST-PLACE winning crafts will be proceeding on to the DISTRICT COMPETITION. Event will take place on March 5, 2022 at GFWC Deerfield Woman’s Club. This year will be handled by District 13 Chair Carol Johnson due to Covid restrictions. Our usual viewing of items and lunch will not be available to District members due to Covid restrictions.
All the First Place Winners from this event will the proceed on to the Spring Convention in May 2022.
Thank you all again Ladies for making this year a wonderful and successful event.
Roberta Carraway
Arts and Culture Chair
Our entries were fewer in number this year for multiple reasons which we all have experienced and understand. The creations that were entered were Fantastic! We will be well represented at the District 13 judging with our first-place winners.
Our club is so fortunate to have such talented ladies among us. I am always impressed with the creative ideas expressed in paint, paper, clay, wool, beads and all the other mediums you come up with. Enjoyed getting to share a little bit about my Scottish heritage and some of the items my family have created over the years.
A big Thank You to all the helping hands coming together making our craft day event such a success. I couldn’t have done it without the support of Cece and Michelle. Any issue or question I had they were there with a solution.
Our guest speaker Nigel MacDonald was entertaining and informative in his talk about Scotland and its music. I loved his kilt! Nigel’s bagpipe playing was great and fun to listen too. The kids on the playground got a kick out of it also! The expression on their little faces was priceless when he started to play.
Honey Baked Ham did a great job with our box lunch. They are always so easy to work with and always provide everything we need including ice!
Now on to the importance part of the day!
And the Winners are…
First Place
• Michelle Moskowitz Multi media Fish Card
Birthday Fishes Card
Burnt Alcohol Tiles
• Helen Ackerman Decoupage Flowerpot
Decorative Rock Seascape
Recycled Antique Key
Ceramic Hand Painted Magnet
• Sandra Brandt Mandala Ceramic Plate
• Cece Ramirez. Pearl Bead Bracelet
Beads/Fabric/Clay Dish PinCushion
• Gloria Merritt. Framed Machine Embroidered Elephant
• Roberta Carraway Light Bulb Snowman
Cece Ramirez
Michelle Moskowitz
• Sandra Brandt Hand painted Ceramic Serving Tray
• Michelle Moskowitz Demential Flower Gift Card
• Michelle Moskowitz Sea Shell Embossed Gift Card
All FIRST-PLACE winning crafts will be proceeding on to the DISTRICT COMPETITION. Event will take place on March 5, 2022 at GFWC Deerfield Woman’s Club. This year will be handled by District 13 Chair Carol Johnson due to Covid restrictions. Our usual viewing of items and lunch will not be available to District members due to Covid restrictions.
All the First Place Winners from this event will the proceed on to the Spring Convention in May 2022.
Thank you all again Ladies for making this year a wonderful and successful event.
Roberta Carraway
Arts and Culture Chair
Slideshow of the table decorations - most of them belong to Roberta. all hand made in some way and all with a lovely background story for each item. Roberta...thank you for sharing all of you precious items with us
Slideshow of all of the entries into the arts and crafts competition - Great work Ladies!